Statement on the participation of beekeepers in the agricultural protests Poland in relation to the form and slogans present at the protests 🇬🇧
On behalf of a part of the beekeeping community of beekeepers, as well as people otherwise - e.g. through journalistic or journalistic activities - associated with apiculture and the science of beekeeping, we would like to present our position and opinions in relation to the present protests.
Polska wersja 🇵🇱
Українська версія 🇺🇦
First of all, we believe that some of the slogans proclaimed at the protests by beekeepers contradict the facts; and there are some that do not refer to the economic situation at all, but are merely slogans intended to arouse harmful public emotions. As a result, although we believe in principle that the current crisis is an objective and real phenomenon, we have serious doubts as to whether we can agree with each of the causes identified in the protests, and our objections are raised by the forms in which the demonstrations are conducted. As a result, we find it difficult to unequivocally support the protests. In doing so, we want to strongly emphasise: we understand the reasons for the protests and if they had been conducted in a different form and under different slogans perhaps they would have gained our support.

The presence of harmful and emotionally inflammatory slogans: anti-Ukrainian (and even pro-Putin or pro-Russian!), anti-EU, xenophobic and nationalist.
Unequivocal opposition to The European Green Deal.
The European Green Deal is in fact extremely pro-bee, because it implies, among other things: reduced and more effectively controlled use of pesticides and the 'greening' of agricultural land; fallowing; leaving pollinator-friendly areas such as wide baulks; less use of chemical fertilisers; more emphasis on modern organic farming. The Green Deal also supports small-scale farming - the kind most beekeepers have. So by joining the protests and preaching against the Green Deal, beekeepers are actually harming themselves and their bees.
The European Green Deal is a programme that is primarily intended to improve the environment on which pollinators (including the honey bee A. mellifera) are totally dependent. While it is debatable whether the Green Deal is beneficial for some branches of agriculture in the short term (e.g. restrictions on the use of pesticides or fallow periods which exclude part of the agricultural land from production have met with resistance from farmers), it has to be said that it is extremely positive for beekeeping and that, in the long term, it can help improve the state of the whole environment and thus also have a positive impact on other branches of agriculture (e.g. by combating drought, steppe formation or even desertification, which Poland and the farmers themselves are currently facing).
Unfair aggressive market strategy present in the slogans of the protesters.
We understand that uncontrolled honey imports may be a threat to the functioning of Polish professional and semi-professional beekeepers. In our opinion, however, it is worth referring to rational accusations grounded in verified data or postulating an investigation or research into the matter. Presumably, a lot of things are happening 'in the black', 'in the grey area' or simply getting bogged down in bureaucratic tangle. Nonetheless, it is worth taking into account what is already known from the content of the communications, the studies carried out by the institutions set up for this purpose, before radicalising your slogans heavily. It is also worth taking into account that this is a multifactorial problem, and not just a Ukrainian one. We refer to the reading: "The state of beekeeping in Poland in 2023" published by the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice.
In our opinion, the slogans used during the protests and the data given there are sometimes untrue or at least out of context or presenting partial data. They are intended to create an unfavourable attitude towards other producers. Although we are aware that Ukrainian honey can and does compete with Polish honey, it should be remembered that its imports have not been around for a long time, they have been relatively constant over the years with annual variations, and even if they periodically increase, they only represent a certain proportion of the honey present on the market. Tests of samples of honey from Ukraine show that the vast majority of its batches meet all criteria and standards - thus the claim that it is honey (in its entirety) contaminated with pesticides or other toxic substances is not true. Of course, there may be some contaminated batches, but this phenomenon is not new either and may (and often does) also apply to honey from Polish producers.
The use of falsely understood slogans of 'the good of bees' or 'saving bees' in protests (so-called bee-washing).
The problem of Polish beekeeping is not only the import of honey from Ukraine. It consists of several factors - we are aware that the problem is difficult and complex and it is impossible to explain it in such a short letter. However, if the slogans of the protests refer to "saving the bees" or "the good of the bees" and the environment, the following facts, which are in line with the current state of scientific knowledge, should be pointed out.
Firstly, in parts of Poland there is a phenomenon of so-called 'overbreeding' - i.e. the number of colonies of honey bees being reared is so high that they constitute negative competition both for themselves and for wild pollinators. The same phenomenon is responsible for increased transmission of pathogens and parasites (both between honey bee colonies and to other insects), which can affect increased mortality and health problems in the population as a whole. This is also compounded by apiary management methods that negatively affect bee health (e.g. mass importation of genetically alien queen bees).
Secondly - as mentioned above - the condition of our environment and the depletion of natural food sources is problematic.
The remedy for these problems is not a ban on honey imports from Ukraine or the setting up of further apiaries in places where bee colony densities are already too high. It is necessary to solve the problems of bees locally, not on the basis of false slogans, but on the basis of a matter-of-fact - and probably very difficult - discussion, for example on the phenomenon of 'over-beeing', limiting the importation of queen bees or improving the forage base (if only on the basis of EU programmes such as the Green Deal).
Mixing ongoing politics with the economic crisis and acting to the detriment of the strategic interests of Poland and the EU.
It must be taken into account that the present crisis situation is the result of years of negligence, and sometimes not so much negligence as a certain larger strategy. The protesting farmers are now being joined by political circles that have been largely responsible for shaping agricultural and economic policy over the past years. It is also necessary to emphasise the fact that the trade balance between Poland and Ukraine is favourable for our country (also in the area of agriculture in the broadest sense - i.e. processed agricultural products, for example). Reducing the expectations of the protesters to simple slogans, such as closing the border to agricultural products from Ukraine, may also result in further problems for the demonstrators themselves or the recipients of their goods (e.g. processing plants). Moreover, a large number of experts believe that the reduction of grain prices (which was the main reason for the outbreak of protests) is caused by the "flooding" of international markets by cheap Russian grain, and not by imports from Ukraine into our country.
Poland's strategic interest is to support Ukraine in its war with Russia Federation in every possible way - including by allowing them to trade. We reiterate that we do not deny the fact and seriousness of the current situation and we also object to the cost of the crisis being borne by our agricultural producers. However, we believe that it is necessary to have a matter-of-fact discussion, to get to the bottom of the problem and to solve it in a way that will favour the strategic interests of Poland, the EU without burdening Polish citizens - including farmers and beekeepers. However, we oppose the mixing of current domestic politics with protests and the use of slogans that cause a build-up of social conflicts in the country and antagonise Polish and Ukrainian citizens.
- Quality of honey imported from Ukraine
- The state of apiculture in Poland in 2023
- Proceedings of the 61st Scientific Apiculture Conference in Puławy
- B-THENET - Best practices and innovations for sustainable beekeeping in Poland
- National Pollinator Protection Strategy
- To listen: Protection of pollinators in polish
- Plenty is no plague
- Green Deal aims to destroy farmers and food? False
- Angry farmers and climate activists have a common enemy: big industry and populists
- Statement of the Ministry of the Interior of Poland
- Report of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland
Signatures (random order):
- Agata Świerczyńska: Vice-President of the Association of Polish Beekeepers "Polanka": ✉️ ">">
- Jan Szostak: member of the Association of Polish Beekeepers "Polanka"
- Piotr Skorupa: member of the Association of Polish Beekeepers "Polanka"
- Jerzy Demetraki-Paleolog: professor of apiculture science
- Kazimierz Puliński: polish Michov Land Beekeepers Association
- Paweł Ściślicki: member of the Association of Polish Beekeepers "Polanka"
- Teresa Kobiałka: Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Pasieka"
- Bartłomiej Maleta: member of the "Bee Brotherhood" group
- Mariusz Uchman: member of the "Bee Brotherhood" group
- Szern: beekeeper
- Sławomir Podgajny - Apiary over the Mrożyca
- Adrian Bukowski Old Polish Beekeepers Association
- Piotr Świdziński: president of the Tree-beekeepers' Society in Śmigiel, Member of the Board of the District Beekeepers' Association in Leszno
- Jakub Jaroński: member of the Association of Polish Beekeepers "Polanka", Mazovian Beekeepers Association, COLOSS: ✉️ radio🐵warroza (dot) pl
- Jakub Sowa: beekeeper
- Cezary Konwa: beekeeper
- Jakub Klawiter: beekeeper
- Maciej Jurkanis: beekeeper
- Robert Rutkowski: beekeeper
- Artur Si: beekeeper
- Piotr Sikora
- Paweł Krawczyk
- Tomasz Paszkowski
- Eugeniusz Janczura
- Milena Cyran